outing to Beng Mealea, which in itself requests a whole day, can be joined with a chasing
party, subsequent to the area is rich in both little and huge amusement and wild creatures; - tigers, jaguars
what's more, elephants, crowds of bulls and wild bison possess the timberland to the extent Prah Khan of
Kompong Svay in the east.
The track to the Kravan and Srah
Srang at 10 kilometers from Siem Reap, a short while after the 12 kilometer marker stone. Taking after an old
Khmer street for 28 kilometers (an extension with nagas is still noticeable at the sixteenth kilometer) it joins the street
Damdek to then travel north, then east, and afterward go through the town of Tuk Lich to end close to the southwest
corner of the landmark. The voyage, which is very troublesome and just conceivable in the dry season, is 40
kilometers and requires around 2 hours via auto. Wilderness aficionados can then proceed to Kompong Thom
by passing the sanctuary of Prah Khan (of Kompong Svay) on condition that they make camp at this last
International Boxing
Khmer Boxing
Thai Fight
» Chai Sara Vs. Thai, Bayon Boxing, Khmer Boxing, 03 July 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016